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I am Hanna Tuominen. I work as a full-time (partner) dance teacher. I hold weekly classes in Hämeenlinna, Kangasala and Helsinki. On weekends I teach in dance events and camps all over Finland and Europe.

My teaching style is clear and relaxed, and I always have a twinkle in my eye. Come to class with a calm mind and will to grow. You will find challenges even as a long-time dancer.

I want to coach people on improving their overall well-being (body, mind, sociability) through various coaching and training techniques.

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HannaTuominenDance – Every journey starts with the first step

Hanna has worked as a full-time partner-dance teacher since 2014.

Fun and professional dance instruction in weekly classes and weekend events.

Hanna teaches Rock’n’Swing dances, Latin dances as well as social dances seen in traditional dance pavilions, for dancers of all ages and skill levels!

Come enjoy learning in the relaxed atmosphere, with your own partner or by yourself!

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Purchase your private lessons and video review from here

Dance instruction

Dance skills are needed in multiple situations, such as weddings, dance pavilions, and get-togethers.

Personal coaching

When you wish to feel well, enjoy life more and achieve your goals.
Videopalaute Kuva

Private lessons and video review

Private lessons and video review are a flexible, individualized, and fast way to learn to dance, and great, if you cannot attend weekly classes. Also well suited for wedding dance practice. You can come alone or with a partner.

Workplace well-being

Would you like to help your employees feel better?
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Classes for groups or businesses

You can order a dance class to move a larger group according to your wishes!

Lectures and training

Tailored lectures and training. *Know yourself, dance better *Athlete’s well-being *Social interaction and communication training

Hanna Tuominen Dance in Instagram

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Business Finland has helped fund the development project of HannaTuominenDance operations.